πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»Bevan Overview

Mathew "Kuji" Bevan was the first UFO hacker to be arrested.

Mid-'90s: Mathew Bevan

β€œNearly started a third world war.” - Jim Christy, AFOSI

β€œPossibly the single biggest threat to world peace since Adolf Hitler.” - a Pentagon source

Technical details about Bevan's hack are discussed in this Twitter thread by @hackerfantastic. He accomplished this over a USR 14.4K dial-up modem.

Of note is that he got into a Wright-Patterson Air Force Base system that took no password and saw plans for an antigravity drive:

In getting into that there was one machine on the network where I read current files and future project proposals. I read documents which gave me the impression that they had an anti-gravity engine which was capable of at least Mach 12 to Mach 15. I don't know how exactly how fast that is but I think that is faster than most aircraft we know of today. Supposedly the aircraft which employs this engine uses a reactor to which there were a lot of detailed numbers and figures for, but I have no idea what all this meant. I can remember that the documents referred to a super heavy element, whatever that means. The element is the main fuel for the reactor. The engine worked by making a disturbance of molecules at the front of the craft so that it was able to stop the inertia or G-force inside the craft. I got the impression that this information was the type of material I was looking for because it was far in advance of our current technology and could be something to do with the Roswell UFO. Finding this threw me because I didn't know if this information was a disinformation exercise and that people were meant to get in and find this stuff or if it was real. I can't be sure and this is the one annoying thing.

Bevan also says,

I like to think what I saw was not misinformation.

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